Whenever Google website is visited we will modify all 'Google' text string on page to 'Foogle'.
Following files will be required to achieve this - manifest.json and inject.js
- Manifest file is required for all extensions.
- It defines meta data for Chrome.
- All files & permissions should be declared here.
- Resource files like images or other template files should be declared as "web_accessible_resources"
[sourcecode language="javascript"]
// required
"manifest_version": 2
"name": "Foogle Search",
"version": "0.1",
"content_scripts": [
"matches": ["https://www.google.com/*"],
"js": ["inject.js"],
"run_at": "document_end"
"Foogle Search" is the name of chrome extension, and 0.1 is its version.
content_scripts section tell chrome to insert javascript file inject.js in web pages which matches URL pattern google.com/*
manifest_version is a mandatory field.
- Content Scripts execute in the context of the visited web page and can access and modify the DOM of the visited page.
- Content Script do not have access to JavaScript variables or functions of visited web page. Content scripts are not aware of the JavaScript code of the visited page.
- Since they run in context of webpage they cannot directly communicate with rest of the extension. Message passing is used for communication between content script and rest of the extension.
- Content scripts can be injected every time a matching URL web page is visited or can be inserted dynamically in the webpage based on some conditions. Cross Origin Permission should be specified in the later case.
- Following javascript code searches for all occurrences of text 'Google' in web page and replaces it with 'Foogle'.
[sourcecode language="javascript"]
document.body.innerHTML = document.body.innerHTML.replace(new RegExp("Google", "g"), "Foogle");
Now, to test the extension in brower
1. Open extensions option in Chrome. Type chrome://extensions/ in chrome tab
2. Enable Deverloper Mode checkbox.
3. Click on 'Load Unpackged Extension'
4. Select folder where you have saved extension files.
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