Friday, May 25, 2012

Resource Allocation System: Secret Revealed

Two senior persons, SP1, working since long time in the Organization, along with SP2, recently joined, organizes freshers induction program.

After praising number of process, practices and policies SP1 now talks about resource allocation system.

SP1 addressing freshers: Our Resource allocation system is one of the best. It is very advanced, and well proven system. The allocation of resources to particular project is done on the basis of number of critetias like their skills, experience, aspirations, personal constraints and, many others.It tries to find the best match for particular project.

After the session finished, SP2 with suprise and amazement says to SP1 ‘I didn’t know we have such a powerful resource allocation system’

SP1:’Yes, It employs one of the best algorithm. Any guess?’

SP1: ‘Okay. Its called Random Number generator’

1 comment:

  1. Gaurav ShrishrimalMay 25, 2012 at 3:01 PM

    A very good way to call for attention to a critical issue!
